The Performance of "Motion-Line-Form" at Brattleboro Museum was beautiful!

I feel very fortunate to have worked with such talented collaborators Candice Salyers and Dahlia Nayar. It was truly a trascendent experience to watch them perform my textile installation. 

Their meditative state , slow, subtle movement, and focus shifted the audience's perception of time. The audience sat between the dance performance site and a busy road: on one side noise and fast moving cars on the other two women moving very very slowly  with incredible intention in bare feet. What a contrast. The dancer's managed to slow us all down despite the bustle of everyday life assering itself in the soundscape-trucks blaring country music, cars accelerating, a train pulling into town. I wish i could watch it all over again. Look at the video under "Motion-Line-Form" n teh body of my website…a 13 minute summary of what was an 1 1/2 long performance.